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“I want it now!” I hear this refrain from coaching clients. They wanted ‘it’ long before beginning coaching. I suspect this is what brings someone to coaching—that burning desire to close the gap between where they are and where they want to be.

Impatience is a multi-faceted feeling that can tell us so much about our journey. We feel a fire in our belly and become impatient for the result we desperately want to materialize. By the time we realize that we are ready for change, we are dwelling in the space of possibility. We feel that our goal is within reach, and we wonder why we cannot get it. NOW.

What if we acknowledge our feelings of impatience and observe them? What can we do while we wait?

  1. Set your goal and tell someone – this makes it real and forms a commitment to achieve what you desire.
  2. Visualize – see the outcome you want (Have you tried creating a vision board?)
  3. Affirm what you want – apply positive affirmations to shut down the negative mental self-talk running in the background.
  4. Take baby steps toward your goal – small steps every day, consistently.
  5. Avoid resisting impatience – that which we resist, persists, and we might feel more impatient—with ourselves!

What makes you feel impatient, that if you shift your perspective, acknowledge the feeling, and sit with it, you might discover that impatience is a key element of your beautiful journey? What hidden gem lies in your impatience? What might you learn from observing your feelings and then carrying on with your life?

Image courtesy of Karolina Grabowska on Pexels and edited with Fotor.