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Have you ever felt powerless to alleviate the emotional pain and suffering of a loved one? What could you do? You can lovingly detach. Although you care deeply for someone, you avoid becoming emotionally entangled as you detach yourself from their problems to help them. You understand that their journey is theirs, and you can only be a guide or friend. Without sacrificing your well-being, identity, or needs, you support the other person in taking responsibility for their life.

What loving detachment is not: Loving detachment is not pushing someone away or being aloof. It is not taking on someone’s problems or becoming caught up in their emotional drama or frustration. It is not trying to control or fix someone and their outcomes.

Loving detachment is a delicate balance of compassion, kindness, and self-discipline–a powerful form of love that helps you stay present to someone without becoming consumed by their issues. You can care while respecting the other person’s autonomy, boundaries, and need for personal growth. It is a loving, selfless way to feel peaceful as you empathize. This is how we keep our joy and inspire others to live theirs.