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Often, when noticing what does not work for me in relationships, systems, events, and timings, I’ve neglected to listen to and trust the messages and my feelings for many reasons related to self-doubt, people-pleasing, and more. I typically do this: second-guess my feelings, motivations, and the actions I must take to remedy my circumstances. This is the ever-present lesson of trusting life’s wisdom and what it communicates.

Life is full of surprising twists, turns, and uncertainties. Sometimes we experience happiness and joy; other times, we face disappointment and sadness. But amidst these ups and downs, life has infinite wisdom if we listen, including:

Embrace change: Do not fear change. Instead, embrace and grow from it because change is an inevitable part of life.

Be grateful: Appreciate the little things and be thankful for the people and experiences that bring joy to your life. Gratitude is the key to personal happiness.

Believe in yourself: You can achieve anything you want. Believe in your abilities and strengths.

Learn from failure: Use it as a stepping-stone to success. Failure is not the end but an opportunity to learn and grow.

Forgive and let go: Holding grudges and resentments only weighs us down. Learn to forgive yourself and others, and let go of the past.

Live in the present moment: The past is gone, and the future is uncertain. The only moment that truly exists is the present. Live in and enjoy the here and now.

Love unconditionally: Spread kindness and compassion to everyone you encounter— your family, friends, and strangers as you love without expecting anything.

Take care of yourself: Care for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. You are essential, and your health and well-being are your top priority.

Pursue your passions: Do what brings you joy and makes you come alive. A Howard Thurman quote sums it up: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive. And go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Chase your passion with your whole heart because life is short.

Be true to yourself: Be authentic by embracing your uniqueness and individuality.

Life’s infinite wisdom is all around us. We must listen, learn, be open to change, and most essentially, trust ourselves enough to know when life shares valuable messages we must heed.

What infinite wisdom is life whispering to you? Are you paying attention?

Flying eagle-owl photo courtesy of Pexels and Pixabay