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These beautiful cozy socks pictured above were gifted to me by a keen coaching client. We’d been working on the awareness of the self-confidence necessary for pursuing one’s goals. That’s when I blurted out: “If I may offer, you know what you need to do?… Put your bitch boots on!”

She loved this idea! So, she sat with the reality of it. Then she ultimately embraced it!

This phrase means stating your truth or going after what you want unabashedly, without asking permission, apologizing, explaining, or justifying yourself, and without feeling guilty. You not only know what you value and your worth, but you also can express these in all your actions to achieve your goals.

The act of putting on your bitch boots is equivalent to pulling up your britches (Hey, it rhymes with bitches!) or putting on your big boy/girl pants. Whichever metaphor you use or visual you choose, go out there and be your authentic self. Do not cede to the naysayers or people who rain on your parade.

Put on your bitch boots—and kick life’s ass!