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Positive feedback, compliments, kudos, congratulations, endorsements, thank you’s…do you give these often and quickly? In my hurried and busy life, I sometimes forget to take the time to appreciate: see the good in all things, people and situations and actually say so. From thanking the server who pours my coffee, to taking the time to notice something–however simple–that someone has done or achieved, all acknowledgement of the little acts of good add up.

During a recent conversation with an esteemed colleague we talked about the word “extraordinary” to describe what at first glance, look like ordinary actions. I realized that we may not be accustomed to appreciating the little efforts people make that form the larger effort involved in achieving even the smallest tasks. It was mentioned during this conversation that Helen Keller was extraordinary. Yet what about someone who takes a seemingly small step towards that huge change, surprising even themselves? Or the person who helps another in a small way that makes a huge difference to the receiver? Are we so used to only noticing big feats garnering attention and headline news that the little everyday miracles are lost on us, dismissed as unimportant?

What can you do?

  • Notice everything
  • Take nothing for granted
  • Give compliments and then give some more, and genuinely
  • Look for the good in people, constantly
  • Avoid “That’s nice,” and rather, say what you observe: “You got back to me so quickly on that, thank you!”
  • Step back from the negative: see it as happening around you rather than to you
  • Live in gratitude

Applauding other peoples’ seemingly small efforts reinforces the qualities that inspire people to make those heroic efforts. Some days it’s a heroic effort to just show up. When someone tells us how strong we are, how much good we’ve done, we rise to that greatness. And we show up differently.

How can you show up differently by endorsing someone else?

Call Kelly for your complimentary 30-minute coaching session to learn more about finding the great in YOU: 514.996.2414!