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Don’t you just love a good story? This quote, sent to me by my dear friend and fellow blogger, caught my attention because it reminds me about how we can stay stuck in our story and not move forward with the next chapter of our life.

There is a difference between grieving a loss and adjusting to the transition brought about by that loss, and staying mired in your loss and ultimately in your story. As Grief Counselor, Dawn Cruchet says: “Grief takes the time it takes.” It took me two years to fully transition through a major life change resulting in many losses. Until last Fall I was clearly grieving the loss of everything I had held dear for 23 years of my life: couple, family, home, neighborhood, pets, friends…the loss list seemed endless despite how much I was gaining in making this radical change from unwell to well-being.

So how do we know when we’re moving on with the next chapter of our life and not re-reading the last one? Here are two factors to consider:

  1. Fear – How is fear of a similar outcome keeping you stuck in the previous chapter of your story?
  2. Mistrust – How are lack of trust in yourself, in your abilities (to discern, to know what you need) and in a power greater than yourself, keeping you anchored in your story?

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” asks Sheryl Sandberg in her book Lean In. Indeed what would you do? How will you move forward trusting? Artist/Songstress Tracy Chapman beautifully sums up the courage it takes to look inward and leap outward in her poetic song Change.

What does the next chapter of YOUR life look like?

Empowerment coaching/transition partnering can help you move from this chapter of your story to create the next beautiful chapter of your life. Contact me at 514.996.2414 for a complimentary discovery session.