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I don’t know. I just don’t know! How often do we simply not know? Not know what’s next in our lives, our careers, a relationship, our jobs? Or what we’re even going to do today! These days I am feeling steeped in not knowing. And if I over think it, I take myself to that place of fear, worry and insecurity. Yet, there is a pervasive knowing deep down–intuition–that all is well in my world and unfolding as it should and according to a greater plan, not necessarily mine.

My dear coaching professor, James Gavin, delivered a hard truth last year during the first hour of coaching class when he said that all we really have and can count on is this one breath. This much I do know. My own life coach talks about living ten seconds at a time. I know ten seconds, can count it on both hands; it’s the time I need to formulate a sentence here. Ten seconds is the embodiment of living in the moment.

So how can I be okay with not knowing? Well… by having faith. A sign on my hallway wall reads: “Faith is being sure of what you hope for.” and the rest of the quote goes “and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1). I can trust that what I hope for is unfolding in this moment, in this ten-second moment with this one breath I can count on. I may be living in not knowing, but I am most certainly living in faith.

What do you NOT know? And how do you make yourself okay with not knowing?