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Are you sandwiched between two or more different shifting priorities? What does that feel like?

Let’s behold the phenomenon of being sandwiched by first visiting some definitions:

  • Sandwiched: Caught in the middle between two elements, as in the filling of the sandwich between two slices of bread
  • Priorities: Important or taking precedence
  • Shifting: Implies change, moving from one place or direction to another, never the same

How are you sandwiched? Perhaps you feel caught between your job and your personal life in your quest for greater work-life balance. Maybe you’re experiencing an empty nest and feel caught in the gap between having raised a family and what’s next in your search for new meaning. Or perhaps you’re part of the growing phenomenon of the sandwich generation: caring for aging parents or a relative while balancing the delicate needs of your own life, work and family with self-care.

What thoughts or perceptions fuel these feelings of being sandwiched? We’ve heard it said that nothing lasts forever…not even difficulty. Priorities stem from our values; however, priorities do shift. We often find ourselves renegotiating our priorities. And we must remind ourselves that we are not alone–there are others we can defer to, delegate to, and confer with along our journey.

Empowerment coaching can help you sift through your perceptions about your changing priorities and explore what’s keeping you anchored. It can help you to peel back the layers of your sandwich and break free with a new perspective, setting goals for results that move you forward in your professional and personal life.

How does your sandwich look? And how would it look being empowered and moving forward?