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Are you sandwiched between two different work or life priorities and want to make a change? Are you seeking your starting point for making that change? Consider that professional and personal coaching can empower you to do this by helping you align with your values and find greater meaning in your life!

Coaching is not counseling, nor therapy; rather, coaching is a partnership whereby your Professional and Personal Coach walks alongside you on that very sacred journey of the self through transition. Your coach helps you break your goals down into manageable steps, lending you their perspective as you collaborate to change your own. Your coach remains present to you while listening to the unsaid. And your coach holds you accountable as you set attainable goals for your success.

As a Professional and Personal Certified Coach, I pledge to help you effect change and growth! Let’s partner to co-create the Infinite YOU!

Visit www.infiniteUcoaching.com or call 514.996.2414 for a complimentary coaching consultation.