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At any given time in life you may find yourself facing a life transition. Perhaps it’s changing jobs, careers, ending a relationship, returning to school, an empty nest, moving house, or even quitting a habit such as smoking. Or maybe it’s a more subtle change such as starting a new exercise program, eating regime, a style change or using a new product or doing something different from your routine. Change and certainly life transition can lead to starting over.

Starting over often involves progressing through some key steps:

  1. Awareness about your current status/situation (comfortable discomfort)
  2. The decision to change that status or situation – Getting out of your comfort zone
  3. A willingness to change, motivated by a deep desire for something more/better/different
  4. Accepting change and what that change entails, either known or unknown…and accepting that!
  5. Taking action or moving forward through change – You’re not there yet as you may still want to run back to the known and comfortable
  6. Transforming and pushing past the point of no return – You absolutely know that you cannot go back to what was
A cloudless sky

So you arrive at starting over. What does that look like? What I love about starting over is that I get to start over right where I am. It’s not a race, nor a competition. It’s a self-motivated, self-driven journey through change. There’s no template, but there is a design. That design is based on faith and trust–that this is my journey, the one I am meant to take. I’m choosing a particular road for my journey through transformation. I may stop to rest along the way, decide not to continue along that road, or simply change directions altogether. It’s all good. For I can start over at any time, and with new and different resources and insights.

What does starting over represent for you?