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It’s that time again…time to make those New Year’s resolutions that, come somewhere mid-January we either forgot we made or forgot why we made them. Oh, and if we do remember, we wonder how to keep them! How about trying something different this year? Don’t make any resolutions!

Coach U’s The Zen of Attraction aptly says, “If less is more, then nothing is everything.” This handy reminder hanging on the bulletin board above my desk goes on to say, among other things: “Promise nothing. Just do what you most enjoy doing…Expect nothing. Just enjoy what you already have; it’s plenty…Need nothing. Just build up your reserves, and your needs will disappear…Change nothing. Just tell the truth, and things will change by themselves” (Coach U’s Essential Coaching Tools, CoachInc.com, 2005).

When you finish doing the above, and if you still choose to make New Year’s resolutions, remember to be grateful and express that gratitude to the Universe. Gratitude goes a long way toward attaining more of the good things life provides.

Happy New Year Everyone–may all your goals and wishes for 2012 manifest for you in totally harmonious and satisfying ways!