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Have you ever thought about a friend you haven’t seen in awhile and then the phone rings and it’s her? Or you receive e-mail from someone who crossed your mind. Have you ever been in the process of making a decision and then noticed how all the pieces just fall into place around making that decision?

I believe there are no accidents in life. Nor do I believe that these events are unrelated and coincidental. I think that something greater is at play in these instances, some guiding force helping us along a chosen path. I simply need to be open to the possibilities and let myself see the signs. When life unfolds according to the natural order of things, it is not me rigging the outcomes. Rather, I am allowing the development of a process that is neither coincidence nor happenstance. And then I notice the synergy. This can ultimately be reassuring as I just let myself go with it and trust that every thing works out for a greater good.