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Have you ever wanted more for someone than they want for themselves? As parents, teachers, writers and even friends we might find ourselves in this trap. We see someone struggling and we rush to their aid, hoping to have some influence over how they decide or take their next step.

Often, we think we know what’s best for someone and we spend our energy trying to get them to follow our advice. Sometimes less is more and we just need to take a step back, trusting that the other person knows what to do and can (and will!) do it for themselves. I take this approach with my adult learners. I try to take it with my family and friends. It doesn’t mean that I don’t care, just that I care enough to let them figure our their lives. It’s called loving detachment and I need to remind myself daily to practice this attitude. In doing so, I put the focus where it squarely belongs: on my own life!

What (or who) do you need to step back from today?