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Have you made your gratitude list yet today? It takes just a moment, somewhere between the family stuff and the household tasks. Go ahead, take out a fresh white piece of paper and write down everything for which you are grateful today. And a quick tip: rather than say “For my this or my that…” write about what you have given yourself. Perhaps you had the courage to stand up for yourself today. That is worthy of gratitude! Rejoice in the little things for these are what count the most.

Today I am grateful for…

  1. A wonderful visit with my family, brought together from different parts of the area and from across Canada, for brunch.
  2. My creativity–I wrote over 2000 words today!
  3. The quiet time in sitting with my mother-in-law who has Alzheimer’s and reading her my poetry. She’s a delightful audience!
  4. Current life challenges that are making me stronger.
  5. Another sunny warm day spilling vitamin D onto my skin

When we take the time to appreciate what we have, we get more of it. Such is the law of the universe. What are you grateful for today?