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Dear Diary:

Today I opened the banker’s box that lay tucked in a dark corner under the stairs, the one with a layer of dust covering its surface, masking the permanent marker printed “Kelly’s Personal Writings.” Yesterday, we revamped our storage situation and at the tail end of this onerous task, I courageously pulled out this Pandora’s Box, hauling it over to the floor beside my desk. This morning, eager yet intrepid, I began reading some of its contents: journals, diaries, books of poetry and short stories I had written as a teen. I spent various parts of the day revisiting this writing of my youth…and wondering how I might revive it.

My diaries and journals tell me secrets I’d almost forgotten. The collection of poetry and short stories speaks of grown-up themes voiced by an innocent child. It was a wild ride revisiting this writing and learning about myself all over again through adult eyes and perceptions. Here I am in a sense, living a second adolescence through my current writing. Back then it was serious stuff; the stuff of adolescent turmoil and uncertainty drove my writing. In contrast, today, it is the voice of confidence and life experience that defines my writing.

Those were humble beginnings. But they are less humble than the ones I face now as I put my voice out there through my plays, poetry and personal essays. Isn’t it interesting how life experience makes you more humble as a writer? Now, Dear Diary, I am looking forward to reworking some of my earlier writings–wish me luck! :-))

All authors have a back story to their writing journey. How did your writing career begin? Can you trace it back to early journalling or story-telling? How has your early writing shaped your voice? Have you ever revisited pieces you wrote as a child or adolescent, and if so, how have they changed?